Saturday, November 6, 2010

Get Rythem When you get the Blues

This blog was previously posted on YEFTalk blog:
In a community where everyone is accepted, leadership is encouraged, you get opportunities to travel and have a mentor, I can think of no greater place for a young one to blossom. The community that glows safeness and opportunities at the same time is Kids in Koncert (KIK) put on by the Capitol Playhouse located downtown Olympia.
“It’s a place for kids to showcase their talent, gain leadership skills, self discipline and a new family,” Cathie Shaughnessy said, Business Manager of Capitol Playhouse.
When Cathy told me this, it brought up memories of when I was a kid. I was often the shy and unpopular kid in elementary and especially middle school. In fact in middle school I was picked on quite a bit. My sister who is now in elementary school has told me the kids aren’t any different. If you know any kids in public school you know they have encountered bullying at some point or know of it. That is why the KIK is so vital to our community and our youth.
At Capitol Playhouse, when a kid walks through the door they are walking into an accepting community. A kid who is shy and may not say boo to the other kids in the hallway at school will get friends and the chance to sing solos and become a leader at KIK.
Also, what makes this choir community unique is that there are kids from 8 to 18 that sing together. In most choirs, only kids that are closer in age are put together. With KIK older kids mentor the younger kids, which is important in a young one’s development.
The kids have gone together to France and sang with the Army band at Fort Lewis. Last year the Army band was in Iraq so they did a live webcast concert with them. Talk about learning important real world knowledge at a young age about our troops and the world in general from traveling.
Helping the choir raise money to travel and operate is Youth Enrichment Foundation. Last year, the YEF Kard fundraising campaign help offset the cost of traveling to France and this year the YEFsite will help offset the cost of travelling nationally next year.
Cathy at Capitol Playhouse is excited about the site because it will suit multiple needs. Such as fundraising and creating a family community online since the families can upload pictures, videos and share information on their YEFsite. Their YEFsite is Check them out!

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