Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New Study Shows Eating Raw Chocolate Will Help You

By: Monica Jonen

New research is showing that eating raw chocolate and the Acai berry can help people lose weight, look younger and fight off diseases and diabetes. Trial members that are part of the clinical study sponsored by XOCAI Chocolate gained have lean muscle, lost weight and reset their body shape without getting any flabby skin. The clinical study found that patients had a reduced blood pressure and cholesterol, and evened out their blood sugar. The clinical trial is a 12 week study on 50 subjects and right now it's in the fifth week.  Other benefits people are experience include, increased energy, no hunger, their skin is clearer and they look 10-20 years younger. 

Official Quote from Dr. Mike Kennedy M.D., D.P.A


One local example is Matt Moore who consumes the XOCAI chocolate on a regular basis.

"I have more energy and I am less fatigued," Moore said. "When I first started using it, my stomach problems went away and now my acid reflux is gone."

Moore also said that it has helped his muscles heal faster after long hikes.

"It is a blast to see those kinds of reactions with people," Robin Lee said, a local XOCAI distributor.

How does the product work? Well consuming oxygen is essential to live, but when molecules in our body come in contact with oxygen, they oxidize and turn into free radicals. Then those free radicals will assault whatever cells are nearby. So in essence, our body is "rusting" a little bit every day. Antioxidants are good for you though, because they burn fuel and stabilize cells.

"Once those molecules are attacked, their structure and function are changed and they don't work as well," said Joe Vinson, Ph.D, a professor of chemistry at the University of Scranton. (CNBC, 2010 & XOCAI: Healthy Chocolate)

The free radicals are also encapsulated by fat molecules to protect our body from them. So not only is the process of oxidation releasing disruptive free radicals, but it is keeping us overweight as well, according to Robin Lee, a XOCAI chocolate distributor. The only way we can combat the oxidation process and the harmful free radicals is by consuming antioxidants. If you flood the body with antioxidants, it will help burn fat quicker too.

Official quote from Dr. Mike Kennedy M.D., D.P.A.

The Government says you need 3,000 to 5,000 ORAC (the measurement of antioxidants) a day. How do you get all those anti oxidants? Well consuming fruit and vegetables is a good way to get anti oxidants, but how can you eat that many in one day?!

If your reading this right now and don't believe you consume enough antioxidants each day, then you might want to try XOCAI Chocolate. XOCAI has combined raw cocoa and the Acai berry to produce the most potent antioxidant product on the market. If you are interested in trying it, contact Robin Lee at

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