Stories, articles and bits from a Writer in Olympia, Washington. Why a writer's hair clip? Because this is where I can put my writing up, apart from anything else in my life. Views expressed by me may not reflect the organizations I write of.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Facing Giants
While sitting in the living room enjoying some late evening T.V., I heard Zorro barking. My brother and I went to investigate in the back yard. Zorro had chased a raccoon way up into one of the trees.
A giant, dark, furry animal with sharp teeth didn't scare him and neither have big dogs. I remember when a friend of ours brought over their giant dog for Christmas and he barked at the giant dog letting him know whose house it was.
Instead of cowering behind the glass door with his tail between his legs, Zorro approaches his giants and lets them know how he feels. If Zorro can face his giants so can you. It doesn't matter how small and cute you are, or how big you are, be an ewok and scare the Emperor's best troops off of their flying mopeds!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Key Lime Pie
“I made one of those just last week! Can we make one tonight?” she said.
“Sure!” I replied surprised. And so it started, the process of making a pie. First, ingredients had to be gathered, which Tylor, one of the summer staff guys, graciously went into town twice after acquiring cream cheese frosting the first time instead of cream cheese. Then Rhianna and I squeezed the life out of several limes, cracked open several eggs to get egg yolks, put in some creamy ingredients, mixed it all together, cooked it and put in the refrigerator to set, but there was no patient waiting. After 45 minutes we enjoyed our pie….soup….since it wasn’t quite set yet.
This Saturday, Rhianna got up during testimony time and shared about how God called her name while she was working in the peach plant. When he called her name, her faith was affirmed to believe that God can do anything. She said she had given her life to Christ in 2008, but not fully since she hadn’t quite believed God could do everything, like speak to her. This week though was a break through.
Proud and happy for Rhianna, I believe she sets a great example for us all. We are like key lime pies. We need good cream cheese, not just cream cheese frosting, to have strong flavorful faith that can be enjoyed by all and it takes time to set us in our faith. Plus God continues to work in us to make our faith as delicious as possible so that we don’t just have faith soup.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Dried Peaches and Soup go to Hungry Kids
The story started to unravel with a picture of a resort by the water coming up on the screen, after seeing many pictures of the hungry being fed, this one seemed kind of odd. But it turned out that there was a woman who worked there that really had a heart for the kids and the team prayed with her about this woman's longing to do something for the local kids.

Donations came in for the house and local people helped build the house and it came together in a couple months. "It was really incredible," Andrea Merrill, who went on the mission trip last year.
To learn more about their trip, go to
Friday, June 17, 2011
I am hoping that they will teach me how to cook since I hear they need help in the Kitchen and I am sure I'll get a chance to see first hand how the peaches are processed through the equipment, dried and shipped out. The latest batch went to Kenya!
I really think this will be good a chance for me to get out of my head, step away from my career, take a break from writing and just experience life and people. After going through the intensive college years, working my hardest at several internships and establishing my reputation in the local business brain is just kind of tired. The break is a welcome one.
I am also excited to support Tylor while he works driving a forklift day to day feeling useful. This last year has been a struggle to find consistent work and it is nice to hear him happy and feeling fulfilled. Seeing him every day in this environment will be new and uplifting for us. :)
Thursday, May 19, 2011
My Review of Crush Master 10 Speed Blender in White
Originally submitted at CSN Stores
- 10 Speed blender
- White finish
- Multi level stainless steel blades
- Heat resistant glass blending jar
- Ten speeds plus pulse
- One touch ice crush
- Motor overheat protection system
- Safety interlock system
- Fas...
Good Sturdy Product
I am actually very impressed with the blender itself. The blender jar is a very tough, thick, and durable glass (perfect for a blonde klutzy destructible force like me). On one side of the jar, it gives measurements for cups and ounces, while on the other side, it gives liter measurements. This is very handy for a recipe stickler…not me…but for someone who is of course.
The blades in the jar seem to be pretty durable, sharp, and strong. They are long and have crushed up our over-frozen ice cream into perfectly creamy milky mixtures. Just think…with this Crush Master, I can crush ice and make smoothies! This will go over very well during the three days of our Northwest summer when everyone is salivating for an icy smoothie.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Laughter and Fun Mark FAC's First Family Fun Night
It's not every day that you see parents trying to quickly run on a balance beam to catch their kids who are gall abounding over big octagon shaped obstacles, in a game of cat and mouse. That was my first experience at the Family Fun Night and it was a blast. My sister, Natalie Jonen, was the mouse and I was the cat who had to catch her. She was a fast little mouse, but I was faster and adrenaline sent me leaping over the obstacles and running through the course headstrong.....until I rolled my ankle coming down from a leap.
"Cat Down!" Everyone yelled as I walked off the course. It was comical no doubt and everyone was laughing, but all the effort that went into running and jumping was squashed by my inability to coordinate my feet with my brain. However, the rest of the night proved to be fun even for a slow cat like me.
I also noticed that my sister thoroughly enjoyed playing the rest of the games and so did the families. For instance she gladly used all energy at "Ships and Sailors" (which is kind of like Simon Says), relay races, parachute games, exploring all the beams, bars, cushion shape thingies, and socializing with other kids her age and their families.
We all finished the night off by eating pizza from Round Table Pizza (another YEF merchant), Schwan's ice cream and watching Chronicles of Narnia on a giant wall that would make IMAX look like an old fashioned 60's t.v screen. I am glad I went and got to meet new families in a relaxed atmosphere and I enjoyed the activities and of course..the ice cream and pizza were delicious.
The BHG Family Activity Center is a YEF merchant where YEFkard members can participate in the YEF program. I am looking forward to the next Family Fun Night at the BHG Family Activity Center which will be on May 13th starting at 6:30 and hopefully I'll see you there! Remember to vote online on which movie that you want to watch through the Facebook events page that will be set up for the event that will be connected to the BHG Family Activity Center fan page:!/BHGFAC and bring bean bags and pillows for the the movie!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Becoming a Professional
On that night in Skippers, I was charged with the task of cleaning the chowder pot. The chowder pot is a giant cauldron that Skippers uses to make chowder, but it is more than just that. It is the cantankerous sore that belongs to the person who has to close that night and that night it was mine.
As I scrubbed the chowder pot, burnt chowder stubbornly stayed on the walls, pieces of chowder decorated my fishy smelling black outfit and the hot giant pot ceased to get clean. Anger, frustration and desperation swelled within me. I was so done. It was in that desperation though when I set a fire within my heart that would continue to blaze within me for years. That fire's purpose in me was to keep bettering myself, to become a professional and to make it.
It was in that moment late at night when I smelled of seafood and vinegar and nearing my breaking point, that a stern determination began to set in. That stern determination to make it and become a professional writer has finally paid off though. As I drove passed Skippers, five years and two degrees later, it hit me that I did it. I landed a job as a professional copywriter in Lacey. I am home. I am not in Seattle at Marchex. I am not in Tacoma at UWT. I am home and I am doing what I love. God is amazing.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
The Crush Master 450-Watt Black & Deck Blender Review
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Cubes and Interior Decorating
I don't know why cubes are gray, it is the sleepiest most boring color. I need some color, because I have a colorful personality! I was thinking about a painting, not a Salivor Dali painting, but maybe a sunset or a picture of the south sound. Something to give me peace and keep my dreaming. I love shopping for fun things like decor, but I prefer to do it online.
Speaking of dreaming, stay tuned for an upcoming review.